Wednesday, April 9, 2003

I've been very busy this week. I'm really finishing some subjects for the Board Exam. Seems like most of my entries here describes my struggle to finally finish the whole review. I'm exerting an effort in order to say that I gave my best shot. In case I will not pass the board exam I would not regret it since I did my best. Maybe an explanation for that is the lack of time allocated in studying. It's barely a month left before May and I suppose majority of the examinees are already trying hard to put the endless formulas in their mind. I am also doing that but sometimes laziness tend to overshadow my priorities. I remember my last post was about finishing some of the subjects but til now i havent done it. Anyway, I tend to do it again but this time I will really try harder to finish my assigned task for today. I should cover everything in MAS and then proceed tomorrow on Practical Accounting 1. Then, I'll probably answer comprehensive problems in Auditing. And lastly, I'll review my Theory of Accounts, Auditing Theory, and Taxation.

Reviewing for the board is really exhausting. I, sometimes, overindulge myself in sleeping that I wake up at around 10 in the morning. No time to go to review school. Maybe because what they are covering is insufficient to finish all the topics on time. When I'm reviewing all by myself, I can finish a great bulk of a subject. Since I am well adept with some of the topics being discussed in our Review School, then why not just focus on the topics I barely know. Sigh! ... really don't have time for extreme relaxation. I think for almost 3 months I have not been watching movies nor even open my TV set. Hehehe ironically I am indulging myself in opening my textbooks or punching numbers on my calculator. Shesh.. hope this whole damned thing will pass... Can't wait to go to GB3 and have a movie marathon!!