Sunday, March 21, 2010


i've been longing to make things happen. well, it doesn't take one click of a button nor will it take you just one or two wipes of an oil lamp for everything to come your way. merely believing and dreaming sometimes keep you closer to what you've been aspiring for. a day will come when i look back and say that i did it. i had made it through.

a scar will always be there as a reminder of a bitter past. shaken by the monstrosities of events that led me to crawl up once again. i trod lightly but with conviction. all the confidence that i can muster. keeping myself afloat as massive waves come past me. i will survive yet another hurdle. now i am waiting for the vikings to capture me and take me to a land where dreams come true.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Newbie Me

Alright so I haven't blogged too often. I should have a good reason not to. For one, I am lazy and there's no excuse. I owe so much to this seven-character site. Depressed times, reading through it can give me strength to carry on.

So what's new?

New Role
I got the contract and signed it today. Its much easier for me. I don't have to do encoding or prepare reconciliations myself. This role gives me a more supervisor function. I have 8 staff with me. Not really directly reporting to me, but I have the chance to review their work.

Also this new role will give me a chance to be involved with the auditors. Something really strange cos I used to be one. I still haven't decided if I will go for the terror mode. Or be myself, good ol' friendly self. It depends I guess on how they will approach me.

New Company
I would like to say that its a New Company but really it isn't because its still part of the whole 'Group'. Not legally though but the major stockholder is. Its also on the same building as before, only the floor changed. And instead of staying in a room, I will be staying within the rest of the staff.

New Apartment / New Housemate
Something I am really looking forward to. For one, I would be staying in Pyrmont, which I really been dreaming of since I arrived. Not technically, because my heart would still want to stay near the beach or most ideally a beach house apartment. I would be living with Madam Sandra, who is a close friend of mine. She's a friend of a friend of a friend. In short my third-degree friend. Niko's colleague back in Phils came to Sydney last year around September. He introduced us to Alvin, which is a close friend of Jhen. Jhen's a good friend of Sandra. So actually its to the fourth-level if you really think about it.

New Salary
I got a salary increase would you believe it? After my boss said that he would put me in the same level of salary as I was doing with Clear Care, I was flustered. Nothing I can do about it, really. I don't have much negotiating power. I really have to get CA/CPA qualification!! Anyway, then the other day he said that he would consider me for XX amount. And I said that is reasonable.

End result, happy happy! This actually justified my moving to a brand new place, near the city. This could increase my saving capability. And finally be able to afford my tuition for uni. I hope so.

Let's digress. Yesterday I was so sad that I wasn't able to get my Ben & Jerry's. Oh yes, I was craving for it badly. Blame it on the FB ad. Today, it was out of my mind but while I was walking back home. I thought about the stress I had for this day. I was working on two companies for two weeks now. So I decided to quickly walk my way to the paradise called 'Deli for your Belly'. I was literally running wearing my business clothes just to catch the 6pm cutoff. But before that I have to walk back home, get my wallet and drop some office mails. I ended up at the Deli by 5:59pm only to find that it was already closed. I was so frustrated and settled for the second best, Connoisseurs' Chocolate Obsession. Not bad.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Not afraid to shine...

This is it. I have been given a very important task and this will be a key role for me in the Commerce World. I had mentioned before that I would be joining a new team in Strathfield. Yes, that's the new company I am working for.

The Financial Controller left and now its is my time to shine. The designation hasn't been formalised yet. But still it keeps me closer to that role, at least.

I will not dwell much on specifics as I have just started today. My thoughts are of course, it feels good to lead once again. I have a team of 6. And I am reviewing processes and improving month-end reports and Appendix 4D. I would then be closely be working with the CFO and of course, the auditors at HY and YE. Might be a challenge cos there's a 360-turn from the culture from Clear Care. But then again, it would be easy for me to deal with them cos I have good inter-personal skills, so i think.

Hooray for me! I can see a brighter future ahead now. Still keeping my fingers crossed.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New role, new life.

In a weeks time I will be performing internal audit function. Not that I don't really like it. But back in external audit days, I hated business processes. As I venture into the Commerce World, I have been paying particular attention on the control environment. For one, the company I was working for needs an overhaul in its processes. It will be a challenge as I take this role.

Similarly it would be ideal if I take certain precautionary steps in overhauling me. Imposing certain things to make things smoother. I am looking forward to greater responsibilities. I am redefining myself as well.

C'mon. Bring it on. And I am ready to take the plunge.